AMPHORA PARFUM was created with the goal of answering questions through fragrance. i often find myself frustrated by the idea that not every complex emotional situation has a practical answer or solution, and this is my way of expressing that internal tension.

my introductory collection, DÉBUT, explores two aspects of physical presence—the moment we say goodbye (SUBLIMATE) and a desperate cry to be noticed (PRIMAL YELL). how do we make ourselves seen?


i was born into a large jewish family in the northeast part of MA. i’m the youngest of three brothers; the child of a social worker and software engineer. my love for perfume essentially started when i was born—my mom regularly wore fragrance, and i was always curious about the way she smelled. when i was 9 years old, she purchased her first bottle of alien, and suddenly the world of fragrance became an intense fascination for me. ever since then, i’ve loved experimenting with and exploring new scents, from the traditional to the bizarre—a love fostered by the incredible team at the institute for art and olfaction, where i received most of my training in perfumery.

Noah Virgile



a long, narrow clay container with two handles, wider at the top than at the base, that was used in ancient times especially for storing oil or wine

-cambridge dictionary